Affiliate programs are the latest in truly successful residual income strategies. They are the choice of online experts, and will be your choice too, when you find out how much money you’ll be earning.
Search engines are computer programs that are used to explore the internet in search of web pages. They do this by using "spiders," "crawlers," or "robots" which are used to search for the most up to date information on any given search request. This may seem like an odd place to introduce you to the search engines, but I can assure that this section is well placed. Giving you the basics here will help you to understand what I am saying in the later sections. Anyways….back to the basics and explanation of search engine spiders.
These spiders (like those that are used by Google) are able to follow the links present on web pages that are located by specific keywords. When spiders are searching for a new webpage, they copy all or parts of the text present on the page into their search engine database. Other spiders revisit these pages on a regular basis so that they can register changes or dead links. The wait time varies greatly from search engine to search engine. It is for this reason that your website should stay current.
The search engine will have hundreds of millions of web pages in its database. In order to deliver relevant results, the search engine companies have developed special ranking algorithms that calculate the order of search requirement results. The keyword or keyword phrase the visitor enters into the search form of the search engine will determine which web sites get picked up by the query. The pages the search engine find most relevant will be listed first. This will determine where you will be listed upon search requests.
For instance, if you are searching for "Beethoven," and the search engine finds a main headline on that page containing the phrase "Ludwig von Beethoven," it will assume that this page is fairly relevant to your needs. If, on the other hand, it finds the phrase only once, and it is buried in a long text, it will ignore it because it will assume that this is not important. That is why so many websites use special keywords more than once in a particular article or webpage, because that is how the spiders pick them up and place them higher in the results of a search.
What does this mean to you as a business person? Well…..this means that in order for you to even consider affiliation; you must first have a website. If you want your website to get attention, you have to appeal to search engines first. Many potential affiliates will not want to associate with just anyone prefer a site that gets traffic. Knowing about search engines and how to appeal to them will get you this traffic. I will offer more on traffic in another section later. Right now I would like to get you started with website affiliation because that is what this book is about and I have already given the basics about marketing in general.
Your first interest in any type of marketing campaign is to start developing a marketing strategy that is going to be focused on who you will need to determine your target market is. This is exactly who you think will be your consumers. For starters, you need to know how to break down your consumers.
Target market is the group of potential customers that will be selected for the reception of your marketing strategy. It certainly makes it easier to develop your strategy if you know exactly who/how old/where people live when trying to sell things to them. If you are looking to segment the market, you need to determine the different target markets for each segment. For example, if you are selling tires, (which everyone needs) you will need to divide your market by knowing how people shop for tires, and who they are.
If you are selling high cost/quality tires, you have to market to a market that is likely to buy them such as middle aged and established consumers as opposed to teens and twenty-something’s who may not be able to afford them.
There are different means that are used by professional marketers that help you to find your target audience. You can use both of them that are within your means. Some of these methods include:
Researching the market through surveys, interviews, and setting up shop in a mall to see who questions you the most etc. to see who would benefit the most from your product and be most likely to buy.
Host experimental sessions for people to try out your product and give their opinions for improvements etc. so that you can ensure that you giving the people what they want or need.
Host trial websites that are geared toward finding the market by letting the market come to you. You can best do this by utilizing keyword centered articles that will let you know who is coming toy our website.
It really doesn’t matter if you stand on your front porch and just ask people what they want in a product or service like yours or not, as long as you get a good handle on who your market audience is. If you are selling T-shirts, you will likely want to appeal to younger people who are more likely to wear them; which means that you should market your wares to those people. To do this, you will have to begin your strategy where you know you will find them….on the internet.
When you are using the internet to market any product or service, you must understand the basics of what internet marketing is. When you are marketing on the internet, you are looking to reach a larger audience and therefore, you need something that will catch their attention and bring them to you. In order to do this, you will have to bring these people to your website.
Once you have your website built, you have to work on getting people to visit not just once, but over and over again. You can start this by using your website to do more than just sell stuff. You should always try to host a website that is also informational. It is generally the website’s that offer up to date information as well as sell wares.
It is through the information that you establish yourself as a trustworthy authority to your consumers. Doing this establishes trust with your consumers and brings them back again all of the time. Nobody wants to visit a website that is profiling outdated information in a month. It is the up to date website’s that get and keep clients. These are also the website that the search engines find relevant during a query.
A nice tip for keeping your information up to date; especially if you are selling a product or service that is rarely updated is to keep a weather program or stock ticker program running on your website because the search engine spiders and robots will view this as new content and still return to your site on a regular basis.
If you are running a website that can sell things directly or order services and make payments there etc. you will want to generate as much sales as possible.
What this means is that you need to make search engines come to your site for a particular product or service before others. It is because of this need that search engines have to become your best friend, which I will explain what these are below.
Affiliate Programs are the latest in truly successful residual income strategies.They are the choice of online experts, and will be your choice too, when you find out how much money you’ll be earning.
What is an affiliate program, you ask?An Affiliate is what would typically be known in the retail industry as a "representative," or "rep." In this case, an "E-rep" is probably a more accurate description. Best part is that you don't have to drag a briefcase of samples with you!In fact, once you’ve set up your strategy for making money through affiliate programs, you won’t even have to think about it anymore – except when it comes to depositing the money you’ve made into your bank account, and then deciding how to spend it.
What do you need to become an affiliate?A computer with a connection to the internet.It doesn’t even need to be your own – though that does make it more comfortable.Beyond that, there are tons of techniques that you can build into your strategy for getting the very most out of your earnings.Typically, this starts with a website; A website, simple or complex, one simple page or a big deal. It’s all up to you, and you can build as you become comfortable with the concept, and understand what you’re doing.
There are thousands upon thousands of different affiliate programs available to you across the world wide web, so getting started with an affiliate program can sometimes seem a bit daunting.However, when you know what you’re looking for, you’ll feel much more prepared to tackle this first major step.
Though many affiliate sites will give you the impression that all that is required to enjoy affiliate program success is plugging a link or a banner onto your website, and the money will begin rolling in on its own, this is not always the case.Usually, this is only the case if your website already experiences massive amounts of daily visitors.
For that reason, you’ll want to make certain to hook up with affiliate program that offers products, services, and bargains that hold real attraction to the type of website visitor you will be experiencing.
Once you have that set, it’s up to you to get the word out, and draw as many people to your site as possible, using a number of different marketing techniques.Variety is the key, both with the products you’ll offer, and the advertising you’ll perform.
Furthermore, once your audience has reached your site, you need to encourage them to click through your affiliate links.Remember, your visitors need a very good reason to click on a link or banner on your site.Otherwise, they won’t use it.
How do you do this?Use a wide variety of the different banners and links offered to you from the affiliate program so that you have the highest chance of attracting people’s attention – no matter what draws them. Moreover, if you use simple straightforward links and banners you will experience much more success than highly colorful and picture-filled banners.
Remember, a 2% is considered doing pretty well, so you will need to do everything you can to get at least 2 out of every 100 of your visitors to use your links.
One of the best ways that you can maximize the performance of your affiliate strategy is by way of direct promotion via email.While the use of this strategy has blossomed over the last few years, a great deal of it has been through SPAM – unsolicited advertisements – which this course neither suggests, nor approves of.Instead, there are much more effective and acceptable method of advertising by way of email that will be of much greater use to you and your affiliate strategy.
This is by way of opt-in emails, which usually consist of e-zines or newsletters. These are emails that recipients actually choose to receive, by signing up. This way, you’ll be able to create an information-based email, which you can send directly to the recipient’s email inbox, and which may also contain summaries, explanations, benefit lists, and uses for different products or services.
Within these newsletters, you can create a great deal of interest in the different products and services offered by your affiliate program – subtly, as hard-selling is unappealing, and will frequently turn readers away from your e-publication – creating the desire within those readers to learn more, and perhaps even buy.
Within each of your articles or summaries, include your affiliate link for the product that applies to that particular message.
The benefit here is twofold.Not only do you have a perfect opportunity to promote the products and services being sold through your affiliate strategy – providing click-throughs, and then sales with your commissions – but your visitors will be reminded of your site with each publication of the newsletter or e-zine, allowing them to discover new products and services that they may never have noticed on their own.
A common question among people with affiliate websites is how to attract more visitors to their websites.There is a simple answer to this question, which can be performed by even the most inexperienced Internet Marketers.This answer is pay-per-click marketing.
Pay-per-click is a service offered by some search engines, where you can post the link to your website, and you only pay when someone uses that link to visit your site.You only pay when it works.
Remember, a successful affiliate website has a 2% click through rate.That’s only 2 out of every 100 visitors.That means that you’re going to want a lot of visitors to check out your site, if you’re going to benefit from your affiliate links in any realistic sort of way.
Here are some tips that you can use to get the most out of your pay-per-click:
·Check out a place like and get to know how pay-per-click really works.With a good understanding of the way the programs function and record their clicks, you’ll have a better idea of how to use pay-per-click to your advantage.
·Use keywords that aren’t covered by too many other (if any) websites, and that will be common searches by people seeking the products and services sold through your affiliate links.Be sure to try many different variations of different keywords, to make sure that you have as much of a monopoly on them as possible.
·Bid on as many keywords as possible.Why?Because the more keywords you bid on, the more links will be built for your website.That is, bidding on 100 keywords is the same as building 100 links back to your website.
There are, however, many other different techniques that will make the difference between making a little bit of extra cash, and making an actual income.It’s the difference between signing up to an affiliate program, and actually mastering affiliate strategies.
Got a flair for writing?Use it to your advantage!There is a fantastic technique for generating website traffic that has simply to do with writing short articles that are keyword optimized.The only question now is where to publish these articles.That’s simple!Provide articles and reviews on your own website!
The more content-rich your website becomes with real articles and reviews, the more presence you’ll have on the internet, and the more your visitors will know that you understand what you’re talking about.
Not only will you become much more visible on different search engines and web directories, through the keyword optimization, but you’ll also become a resource that your visitors turn to when they want information about the different products and services offered by your affiliate companies.This way, when they want what you’re offering, they’ll come to your site to find out about it, and then use your links to make the purchase.
This is one of the better techniques that you can use, as it creates “regular” visitors, and encourages word of mouth.You will become seen among many visitors as the authority on your particular topic, especially if you offer reviews, as well as providing tons of food for search engine spiders to gobble up as they index.
By adding to your website regularly, you also provide the impression that you’re on top of all the latest developments in your area, and that there is no need to look elsewhere for the most recent information.Of course, within these articles and reviews, you can’t forget to include the appropriate affiliate links, as well as referrals to other points of your own website.
in this introduction to becoming a master affiliate, I will give you a basic explanation into marketing because this will help you to better understand how an affiliation can be done with expert precision.
Most people are aware of what marketing is, but most do not realize everything that is involved in marketing. Marketing is not a temporary thing. Marketing is more than sales. Marketing is actually an entire process of activities that is used to:
1. Get your potential customer's attention
2. Motivate them to buy
3. Get them to actually buy
4. Get them to keep buying
Marketing is how you define your product, promote your product, distribute your product, and to maintain a relationship with your customers. All of this is important if you want to run a successful business. When you become an affiliate, you are just gaining access to a world of customers instead of just being available for a local customer base. It simply allows you to reach millions of potential customers instead of hundreds. With this kind of potential, is it a wonder that so many people are relying on the web as their marketing hub.
In order to get the consumer’s attention, you will need to know who they are and where they are. When you use affiliation, you can cut some of that work in half. When you are an affiliate, a lot of your customers will find you. This is a business feat that is just too good to be true, and if you know what you are doing, the benefits are simply awesome!